Friday, October 30, 2009
Today went well. :D Well, school was okay. We played Pictionary for the first half of it (up 'til recess), didn't finish the game though. >:O Everyone was too lazy to continue after recess. Arharhar. :B Anyway, for the second half, mostly we watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. It was a nice movie :D but too bad, after three quarters of the movie the prefects were called to clean up the prefect's room. Some people went earlier (like halfway through the movie), thankfully, I wasn't one of those people. :] After school, I decided to learn the Gee dance just incase visiting Ashikin got a little uncomfortable. Thankfully, it didn't! About 8 people came (including me) and all went well. :D I didn't have to make a fool out of myself, wahahaha. :3 Or maybe I did make a fool out of myself, idk. WHATEVER IT IS, I didn't have to do it intentionally. >:O Actually, come to think of it, it was pretty fun hanging out at her apartment complex playground. Aha, :]. Soyeah, that's pretty much all I did today. :]] ![]() OMAIGOD 'TIS A CREME BRULEE. :D
7:52 PM
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I find if I read or write happy things, I become happier. So, today I will tell you about all the good things that happened today. :) Well, today at school we had this school-talk by "The One Academy" about art. :D It was pretty cool, they showed us a few pretty animations, and also the making process of a few pretty pictures. >:O Too bad they didn't teach us how to make 'em, but it's okay, we didn't have laptops and animation software in hand anyway. After this creative-thinking-game thing they had (which was pretty fun I guess; I WON ONE STICKER :X) we had to make a 3-layer card. Mine sucked, but it was still pretty fun to make. Time passed much more quickly today than on the past few schooldays :B. Maybe because we actually did something. ._.; ALSO, ELIZEBETH HAS AN ADMIRER. ;DDDDDDD ahahahahaha. Okeh, time to go for piano lesson. n_n ![]() Idk what it is, but it looks good.
5:15 PM
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Well, today wasn't all that great. Didn't do anything much. Spent more than half of the day pondering something that I just realized wasn't even worth my time, not going to go into details. ==; Yesterday was okay, watched Pandorum. It was cool. On Monday, I forgot what I did. So yeah, I won't go that far. On Sunday, ah, I don't know either. Currently, I don't know. Not really in the mood for any writing, just thought I'd give it a little update before I try to detatch my mind from the world. :O Also, breaking from tradition (and due to popular demand), I present to you a lovely apple. Mr. Appliticus, (or Mr. Apple) reigning from Google. ![]()
1:55 PM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
:D HELLO. :3 You should watch this :B. It's a short video about how Bob wants an apple, and the video is AWESOMEEE. ;D Again, it was introduced to me by Sze Ying O: what would I do without you? ._.;; So, uhm, nothing eventful has happened recently. Or rather, none that I can remember. O: Okay, off to watch some other videos now, cya. :3 ![]() I've always loved brownies. :D
9:25 AM
Friday, October 23, 2009
Tick, stop, tick, tick (play it) stop, stop I, I, stop tick, tick, I, I, I~ :D It's okay if you didn't understand any of that. It's the starting of a song that Ah Sze introduced me to. Anyways, the song is awesome, no matter what anyone thinks what he says the intro. Link to the song can be found here. ;] Want to download the song? Click here. :3 Anyway, today at school we had err, a lecture that was supposed to help us choose what stream we should opt for when we move on to Form 4. D: I doubt it really helped anyone with their choices, rather just telling us things we already know. I think the talk was more aimed to please parents with the feeling of "knowing". But then again, don't take it from me, I hardly listened to it anyway. O: That pretty much sums up my day. Off to bury myself. :D ![]()
3:58 PM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
:3 Today, me and Ashikin did abit of writing. Not really an RP as we planned, but it didn't go too bad. :D Finally doing something somewhat productive somehow feels good. ;O (notice the excessive use of some-..) Ah, nevermind my ramblings. Here's the story so far, partially for people to read, and partially for my own (and Ashikin's?) reference. Take note that both me and Ashikin wrote this together and I will not take full credit of anything. D:< Also, please don't rip off the story or any part of the story or republish it in any way, blaahblaahblah. Here, I copyright it, with my imaginary copyright. ------------------------------------ He awoke and was immediately alert. Much to his surprise, he was in a wreck. Frustrated, he straightened out the frills of his now dirty dress as he looked around in search of a mirror. "What the heck..", Malice whispered to himself, awed by what surrounded him. It was not the fact that he was in the middle of the forest that amazed him, no, everything that belonged in a fairytale was in sight! Not that it was particularly beautiful, actually much more the opposite. "It was as if God had lost all sense of taste", he thought. After much consideration, he decided to make his way to the huge castle, a monument that looked more alien than anything else in view. He trotted along a path that had somehow cleared itself for him and all was well, that is until a frog greeted him. The frog in itself was odd. It had a well-crafted smoking pipe in its mouth and was wearing clothes that greatly resembled Victorian men's fashion in the late 1800s. It appraised malice with a leering smile etched on its face and blew a small puff of blue cloud lazily. "Nice skirt," it said as it stroked it's grey beard that appeared out of nowhere. Before Malice could respond, the frog jumped to his face, causing him to fall on his back on the wet grass. "Listen, girlie boy, yer better off not goin' 'der. Wherever it is yer goin'. You can call me Sir, Froghey, My Good Man, and any titles you can think off and I prolly won't respond." The frog then blew a puff of pink cloud while staring off into the horizon. Malice, now completely aghast, slowly got back to his feet, subconciously scowling at the unsightly frog. Not only did a frog in clothes speak to him, Malice didn't even notice that he was wearing a dress! For a long while he stood still, trying to piece everything together, only to find himself even more confused. Suddenly feeling embarassed for staring at the frog, Malice blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "Err.. smoking is not good for your health.." "Eating hair ain't healthy neither." The frog sniffed and pointed at Malice who was subconsciously nibbling a clump of his shoulder length hair out of nerves. Malice's cheeks started to burn, the mixture of anger and humiliation almost too much to bear. "Well, I'm going to that castle no matter what you say, and I'm bringing you along!" he shouted, as loudly and as defiantly as he could. Before the frog could flee, Malice grabbed it, putting it into a jar that he somehow had kept in his pocket. Then, jar in hand, he began making his way to the castle, whistling a somewhat proud tune, ignoring the desperate pleas of his imprisoned companion. ------------------------------------ Well, hope you liked it so far. :] ![]()
10:25 PM
So I'm awake now. D: Had a weird dream but don't we always? Anyway, today I'm planning to practise piano like crazy (and finish up all my Theory homework) but I don't know how far that's going to go. <__<;; Wish me luck. Yesterday I basically did nothing (again). Looked around sites for sheet music but I didn't get much. Gaaah, why is it that free sheet music is so hard to find?! >:( Actually, don't answer that, I already know the answer. X: Well, it looks as if today is a good day for me to start cracking open my head in search for creativity to write a story. :D And I think I'm going to do just that today, too. Okay, well I'm off to have breakfast. If you're wondering, "Why did I blog right after I woke up?", the answer is, because I'm just that lifeless. ![]() I personally wanted to eat that when I saw it. O:
10:23 AM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Well, first post after PMR. D: Everyone's at Genting atm. D: So, skipping school these two days. ;O Been really bored at home, really carefree currently and I keep on having to find things to do >___<; but I usually end up daydreaming. .___.; Planning to write a book with Ashikin but haven't made much progress yet. D: Also have to practise piano. Gahh, damn you procrastination! >:O Well, as you see I've totally changed my blogskin. It's another one by xavqior, you can see his profile in the credits. ;d Pretty cool I guess. Kinda lazy to blog at the moment, doing it for Rachel's sake. ;O I'll write a longer post some other time. ![]() C'ya~
4:10 PM