Monday, October 15, 2007

Hey, guess what?

Yes, I have finally started, at the age of thirteen, my very first blog.

I have started this blog because, well, so much has been going on recently it's hard to keep track of it all. Although I doubt anyone would be reading this (except me) for the moment (because I'm not giving out the link to my blog to anyone just yet) I just thought it'd be nice to share my life stories with everyone else that views this.

So today I start with what's been going on in my life recently.

Well, lets start with exactly a week ago. My dad got a new car,(yay!) an Audi TT, to be precise. Yes, I am indeed taking my own share of undeserved attention and pride over my father's purchase of his car. Although it's rather saddening that I rarely get to ride inside it (because it won't fit my whole family and he only brings it to work most of the time) I'm still glad that I atleast got to sit in it for a half hour drive once. Moving on.

Well, on Saturday my maid ran away from home while we were out doing our own Hari Raya visiting. She still hasn't returned at home now and I doubt she ever will, although I'll keep hoping. The story is, well, she already asked beforehand if she could go out on that Saturday, and my mother and father agreed. When we came back, as we expected, she wasn't home and everything was fine. But then we found a note on her bed saying that she's left off and that she won't be back. Saying that she's tired and she's been lacking sleep. Saying that she has gone back to Indonesia using her money she got for Raya from my parents. Of course, my baby brother cried (he was very close to her) and we shared our share of depression (and maybe abit of anger) although nothing was stolen, which I consider to be a good thing.

That Saturday night, well, we visited my mother's friend's house. Some people are considered rich, and some super-rich. And I think this friend of my mother's is considered super-super rich. Her house was awesomely huge and had amazing features. A lounge with glass walls (you can see people inside from outside) and an amazing amount of sitting rooms (three in total). It was amazing. As if the house was made to have many people inside it, or either that, to be a hotel lobby. Although the food wasn't that great, I was still really impressed by the size of the house and the aforementioned glass-wall lounge. Oh, and the swimming pool too. Other than that, they had 4 impressive cars (I can't remember what cars) with single-digit-platenumbers, which cost around MYR20,000 (according to my dad).
On an relevant sidenote of complete irrelevance, I met a very strange person there. Someone who had, I think, abit of an Adam's Apple, short hair (etc. etc.) and also a disturbing big chest (sorry). I don't know if they were fake or whatever but they were disturbing. Although he/she might be a girl. I don't know. It was confusing. (Transexual?)

On Sunday, I went to my father's friend's house. His house was pretty nice too. It had a very nice 5-foot-deep pond, complete with huge beautiful fish and also very nice stone tiling. It also had a spiral staircase (ooh, swirly) and a huge Grand Piano. And there, I met my mother's friend's (the friend which we went to her house the last night) brother. He was there because he was my father's friend's second cousin. Coincidence? I think not!

I guess this sums up my post. I'll be back!


8:10 PM